Who twitters? I thought teenagers twittered. My students appear to have every pocket sized piece of technology known to man and they’re engaged in fiddling with one electronic gizmo or another the majority of their waking hours – and some of their sleeping hours, but they don’t twitter, at least they’re not twittering in my neck of the woods. The subject came up in a classroom discussion and I actually had to explain the concept. This may be a first, me explaining a technology related concept to my students. I’m curious, which demographic groups are twittering; furthermore, how come kids don’t twitter?
I’ve got one last question. Would Steve McQueen twitter?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
4:30 A.M.
What’s it like to wake up a 4:30 in the morning? It sucks like a Chinese Algae Eater; that’s what it feels like to wake up at 4:30 in the morning! The alarm goes off and I immediately sit up. I do this out of necessity, knowing darned good and well I’ll fall back to sleep if I don't. Convincing myself to stand up at 4:30 in the morning is the hardest thing I do each day. I guess the bright side of this situation is the hardest task of the day is over with before I’ve had my first sip of coffee. Last year I told the principal I’d rather cut off my toes than teach zero hour again. Looking back, that was a creepy thing to say. Who says they’d rather cut off their toes? In Terms of Endearment, Jack Nicholson said, “I’d rather stick pins in my eye balls”. Where am I going with this? I don’t know. Jack Nicholson is a quite an actor. Of course he’s no Steve McQueen, but he’s a good actor. I wonder if McQueen or Nicholson ever had to get up at 4:30.
The agent search is on hold. 300 query emails is enough.
For now, the focus is on the new book. The two week writing push resulted in 114 pages, most of which is exposition. At this point I’m working out several plot lines. This new book is far and away more intricate than anything I’ve attempted to write. I’ve been thinking of changing the working title from The Really Weird Science Guys to Time Specter. Since returning to the classroom, I’ve been putting about an hour a day into the book. I’ll be ecstatic if I can keep up this pace.
It might not be a bad idea to start approaching some magazines with one of my stories from The Eight Fingered Criminal’s Son. I’m also posting a story on the blog every six weeks.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Quick, who is the least funny actor in world?
The answer is, of course, Sean Penn. Some might say Penn was funny as Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgmont High. That was, what, thirty ago. I suppose Charles Manson might have been a cute baby thirty years became he became a world class psychopathic killer. Maybe the analogy is a tad bit extreme; the point is Sean Penn appears to have no sense of humor. Where am I going with this? I’ll cut to the quick. Sean Penn is going to portray Larry Fine in the upcoming Three Stooges Movie. Benecio Del Toro will be playing the part of Moe Howard and Jimmy Carrey is in the process of gaining forty pounds in order to play Curley. I’m too shocked over the inclusion of Sean Penn to question the selection of Del Toro. We can all, I think, accept Jim Carry as Curly.
The Farley Brothers are behind this production. Who knows? Perhaps these people know what they are doing. I guess Penn does look and sound a bit like Larry, but I can’t see this thing working out. By the way, this is not a biography of the Three Stooges, it’s a comedy feature film. The Farley’s do have a bit more success in the film business than me, so I’ll have to withhold judgment.
No! No, I don’t. Who in their right mind would hire the unfunniest actor, maybe the unfunniest man on the planet to play the role of one of the funniest men in history? Come on Farley Brothers, producing the Three Stooges movie carries with it monumental comedic responsibility! The world could use a Three Stooges revival, and you guys are giving us Sean Penn???
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The King of Cool
Like untold millions of movie fans across the globe, I appreciate the work of Steve McQueen. But my connection with the king of cool runs deeper than that of your average Joe matinee fan. This isn’t something I go around telling people; I guess I’m not much of a namedropper. Maybe I’m feeling a bit whimsical today. Back in ’84, I was a delivery man for Sparkletts Water. Believe it or not, I delivered bottled water to Steve McQueen’s son, Chad. I’m not kidding. I’ll never forget what Steve McQueen’s son said to me that day. He looked me square in the eye and said, “How’s it goin’, man.” And I looked right back at him and said, get this, “Pretty good.” It was profound. Please don’t let your knowledge of this relationship change the way you consider me or my blog. I still put my pants on one leg at a time.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Emily Dickinson, Gilligan's Island and Steve McQueen
Emily Dickinson’s Much Madness is divinest Sense can, without much effort, can be sung to the tune of Gilligan’s Island. Really. I know this stuff. I'm an eleventh grade English teacher. Give it a try. Oh, as far as I know, Steve McQueen has absolutely nothing to do with Emily Dickinson or her poem.
Much Madness is divinest Sense
by Emily Dickinson
Much Madness is divinest Sense -
To a discerning Eye -
Much Sense - the starkest Madness -
'Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail -
Assent - and you are sane -
Demur - you're straightway dangerous -
And handled with a Chain -
Much Madness is divinest Sense -
To a discerning Eye -
Much Sense - the starkest Madness -
'Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail -
Assent - and you are sane -
Demur - you're straightway dangerous -
And handled with a Chain -
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Twilight, Mujournlumns, and Steve McQueen
The Twilight Phenomenon
What is the deal with Twilight? I just kicked my kids out of the house. Three of my daughters and two of the neighborhood girls, aged five to ten, sat in my living room watching Twilight six times in a row. I told them it was time to do something productive, to go play in the street.
I watched Twilight, even read the book, just to see what the hubbub was all about. It was a good book. I thought the movie was better.
The girls and I picked up the Twilight CD at Target yesterday. The girl at the register said they had to restock the shelves four times in six hours, that she’d never seen a movie move like this one.
When I asked my daughters if they thought it was a little creepy for a hundred year old vampire to date a sixteen year-old girl, they looked at me like I was out of my mind. What do I know? I don’t get it, but I’m thinking the next story I write should have something to do with teenaged vampires.
Why Blog?
The question continues to cross my mind. Why am I blogging? First of all, I tell myself, at least I’m not twittering?
I’m thinking of going to the kitchen to get some pretzels.
I’m eating pretzels.
A glass of milk might go well with the pretzels.
Why am I blogging? It’s a legitimate question.Is it worthy use of my time? After giving it some thought, I came up with three good reasons to blog:
1. Audience Development. I have received almost 1,500 hits in a little less than three months. I’m not exactly Stephen King, but I do have an audience.
2. Networking. I am communicating with other writers; writers like Bluesfrau in Germany, Bulshee in India, Guely in Sweeden, Bryan Frank, Curtis Kessinger, and Keith Boyd in L.A. , Rick Rivers in Northern California, David C. in Indiana, Wenbren in New Mexico, and James West a couple of miles down the road here in Arizona.
3. Mujournlumns . I’m still not sure how to define my blog. A collection of musings? A journal? A column? Maybe it’s a mujournlum. Whatever my blog is, it compels me to write. I’m a writer in the process of becoming a better writer and this blog of mujourlumns seems to facilitate that process.
Steve McQueen
Once again, today's blog has absolutely nothing to do with Steve McQeen.
Writing Report
Today marks the end of my spring writing push. It was a successful two weeks. My third book, The Really Weird Science Guys is off to a solid start at 22,489 words and114 pages.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Steve McQueen
I’m beat. I laid some sod down in the back yard and it was murder on the hamstrings. Somehow I'll get through the pain. It was good to work the land.
The highlight of the day took the form of a bowling excursion with my five year-old, Sophia and my eight year-old, Barit. Barit threw the ball backwards, just missing the knee cap of the bowler in the next lane over. It was funny. The guy in the next lane might have thought it was funny too, if he had a sense of humor. Yeah, I think Barit has a tendency toward bowling accidents. When she
was five, she forgot to let go of the ball and slid halfway down the lane. Kids are cool.
Writing Report
Today I didn’t hit my 2,000 words. 1,600 will have to do for today. I did write a sixteen year-old version of Richard Nixon into the (time travel) story. The prospect of researching Tricky Dick's formative years is compelling.
Steve McQueen
The truth is, other than the fact that he was a cool cat, I don't really have anything to say about Steve McQueen. Sue me.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
That's Going to Leave a Mark
Here’s a picture my daughter took at a California Angeles spring training game last month. The batter is in the process of getting nailed in the shoulder with a 96 mile an hour fast ball. Bet that hurts. It’s a good picture, don’t you think?
Writing report
I cranked out another 2,000 palabras today. The Really Weird Science Guys stands at 18,841 and 94 pages. At this point, I’m in writing mode and it’s a bitter sweet place to be. The four or five hours I spend writing each day flies by. When I finish for the day, it feels like I lost time, like the four or five hours never happened, if that makes any sense. When I’m not writing, I’m thinking about writing. When I sleep, I dream about writing. Next week it will be time to turn into a pumpkin when I shift back to teaching mode.
Here’s a picture my daughter took at a California Angeles spring training game last month. The batter is in the process of getting nailed in the shoulder with a 96 mile an hour fast ball. Bet that hurts. It’s a good picture, don’t you think?
Writing report
I cranked out another 2,000 palabras today. The Really Weird Science Guys stands at 18,841 and 94 pages. At this point, I’m in writing mode and it’s a bitter sweet place to be. The four or five hours I spend writing each day flies by. When I finish for the day, it feels like I lost time, like the four or five hours never happened, if that makes any sense. When I’m not writing, I’m thinking about writing. When I sleep, I dream about writing. Next week it will be time to turn into a pumpkin when I shift back to teaching mode.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Lost, Life on Mars, and The Really Weird Science Guys
I’m looking forward to a night of TV time travel. I’ll start with an episode of Lost and follow up with an episode of Life on Mars. I’ve been following Lost much better since they established the scrolling cheat notes on the bottom of the screen. Am I the only one who realizes that he writers of Lost are completely stoned?
Writer #1: Dude, let’s put a polar bear on the island.
Writer #2: OK, but only if we can have a VW bus with a case of beer in the back.
Writer #1: Cool. Let’s make Hurley a schizophrenic.
Writer #2: Righteous, dude. Pass the bong.
Last week I discovered a show called, Life on Mars. A modern day cop sustains a head injury and finds himself thirty years back in time or perhaps, in an alternate reality. What a cool show. The music and look really catches the feel of the 1970’s. The production is an American version of the British Life on Mars. I’ll see if I can’t hunt down a version of the original.
Writing Report
Chalk up another solid day of writing. I knocked out 2,100 words. The working title is The Really Weird Science Guys. I know, it doesn’t exactly roll off of the tongue. I was going to change the name to Time Ghost, but somebody already wrote a book called Time Ghost. I’ve played around with Time Spook, Time Spirit, and Time Apparition, but for now I suppose I’ll stick with The Really Weird Science Guys.
My first two books were written in first person and were autobiographical in nature. The Really Weird Science Guys it written from an omniscient point of view, but I couldn’t keep myself out of the story. One of the major characters is obviously based on me. All of the characters seem to be based on people I have known. There is an awful lot of action in the story, more than I anticipated. This is a good thing. I’m looking forward to pounding out another 2,000 tomorrow.
Writer #1: Dude, let’s put a polar bear on the island.
Writer #2: OK, but only if we can have a VW bus with a case of beer in the back.
Writer #1: Cool. Let’s make Hurley a schizophrenic.
Writer #2: Righteous, dude. Pass the bong.
Last week I discovered a show called, Life on Mars. A modern day cop sustains a head injury and finds himself thirty years back in time or perhaps, in an alternate reality. What a cool show. The music and look really catches the feel of the 1970’s. The production is an American version of the British Life on Mars. I’ll see if I can’t hunt down a version of the original.
Writing Report
Chalk up another solid day of writing. I knocked out 2,100 words. The working title is The Really Weird Science Guys. I know, it doesn’t exactly roll off of the tongue. I was going to change the name to Time Ghost, but somebody already wrote a book called Time Ghost. I’ve played around with Time Spook, Time Spirit, and Time Apparition, but for now I suppose I’ll stick with The Really Weird Science Guys.
My first two books were written in first person and were autobiographical in nature. The Really Weird Science Guys it written from an omniscient point of view, but I couldn’t keep myself out of the story. One of the major characters is obviously based on me. All of the characters seem to be based on people I have known. There is an awful lot of action in the story, more than I anticipated. This is a good thing. I’m looking forward to pounding out another 2,000 tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Erin go Braugh
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Thanks to my grandmother, whose maiden name was Margret McCormick, I can proudly claim twenty-five percent Irish blood. My wife and daughters are in the kitchen whipping up a shepherd’s pie and a crock pot of corned beef and cabbage. A few neighbors are coming over we’ll have a couple of green beers and a maybe even a nip or two of Jameson’s Irish whisky before all is said and done. So here’s to the Emerald Island, Saint Patrick, Lucky Charms, four leaf clovers, Murphy’s Irish Stout, The Quiet Man, Monsignor Patrick J. Redehan, Bing Crosby, Maureen O’Hara, Van Morrison, Bill Murray, the Shamrock Pub, Danny Boy, the Boston Celtics and Darby O’Gill and the Little People.
Writing Report
The story is moving along well at 14,600 words. I pumped out 2,600 words yesterday and another 2,600 today. As it stands, I appear to have created a sort of time travel/ghost/schizophrenia story. If nothing else, it’s unique.
Thanks to my grandmother, whose maiden name was Margret McCormick, I can proudly claim twenty-five percent Irish blood. My wife and daughters are in the kitchen whipping up a shepherd’s pie and a crock pot of corned beef and cabbage. A few neighbors are coming over we’ll have a couple of green beers and a maybe even a nip or two of Jameson’s Irish whisky before all is said and done. So here’s to the Emerald Island, Saint Patrick, Lucky Charms, four leaf clovers, Murphy’s Irish Stout, The Quiet Man, Monsignor Patrick J. Redehan, Bing Crosby, Maureen O’Hara, Van Morrison, Bill Murray, the Shamrock Pub, Danny Boy, the Boston Celtics and Darby O’Gill and the Little People.
Writing Report
The story is moving along well at 14,600 words. I pumped out 2,600 words yesterday and another 2,600 today. As it stands, I appear to have created a sort of time travel/ghost/schizophrenia story. If nothing else, it’s unique.
Monday, March 16, 2009
A Short Story from The Eight Fingered Criminal's Son
“Dave Cruz (1979)”
by W.Z Snyder
© 2006 William Snyder
It is 1979. I am nineteen and I am dating Cathy MacMurphy. Without doubt, I feel attraction toward her, but I am dating this girl out of vengeance more than anything else. She is a friend of Allison Bullock. Allison had the audacity to break up with me a few months ago, virtually ripping my thumping red heart from the chest cavity. O.K., maybe she didn't rip my heart from my chest cavity, but she did embarrass me. Cathy is good looking, one of those full figured girls. My mother does not care for this girl. She is loud and exceedingly forward, making all of the first moves in the situation. Come to think of it, I can’t even begin to keep up with Cathy MacMurphy.
It is a warm summer night. We are at the Hawthorne Community Fair with Ricardo Mora and his latest playmate. Ricardo is my roommate and he is remarkably adept at the playboy lifestyle. He is the only guy I know who actually has one of those little black books, filled with dozens of phone numbers. His sister, Lilly dumped me for a guy with a silver Corvette last year, inspiring me to make a statement by joining the United States Air Force, where I spent just a few months before being discharged due to my unsuitability to military life.
Ricardo and I rent his oldest sister’s rambling beach house, just a block from the ocean in Hermosa Beach – with six other guys, none of whom have the inclination to clean up after themselves – ever. When we go to the beach, Ricardo makes it a point to discreetly tell the girls we meet that we live just a block away. Ricardo is always ready with a line. Once he asked a couple of sunbathing beauties to watch our metal folding chairs while we walked up to the house to make some ice cold lemonade. They agreed and we sprinted up to the house.
“Don’t worry about a thing Billy boy, the old lemonade trick works every time. These girls will melt in our hands like butter when we get back.”
Making the lemonade took a little longer than it should have because we had to find the dirty pitcher and glasses and then break them away from a calcified mountain of filthy dishes in the sink. Then we had to chisel away the life forms that set up housekeeping inside the glassware.
After much hard work, we returned to our prospects on the beach. Unfortunately a couple of mammoth body builders had taken our chairs and were talking to our girls. It was pretty tough to sound suave and sophisticated when Ricardo asked, “Hey fellas, can we have our chairs back, please?”
YOU CAN READ THIS STORY IN IT'S COMPLETE FORM IN THE EIGHT-FINGERED CRIIANL'S SON...It is 1979. I am nineteen and I am dating Cathy MacMurphy. Without doubt, I feel attraction toward her, but I am dating this girl out of vengeance more than anything else. She is a friend of Allison Bullock. Allison had the audacity to break up with me a few months ago, virtually ripping my thumping red heart from the chest cavity. O.K., maybe she didn't rip my heart from my chest cavity, but she did embarrass me. Cathy is good looking, one of those full figured girls. My mother does not care for this girl. She is loud and exceedingly forward, making all of the first moves in the situation. Come to think of it, I can’t even begin to keep up with Cathy MacMurphy.
It is a warm summer night. We are at the Hawthorne Community Fair with Ricardo Mora and his latest playmate. Ricardo is my roommate and he is remarkably adept at the playboy lifestyle. He is the only guy I know who actually has one of those little black books, filled with dozens of phone numbers. His sister, Lilly dumped me for a guy with a silver Corvette last year, inspiring me to make a statement by joining the United States Air Force, where I spent just a few months before being discharged due to my unsuitability to military life.
Ricardo and I rent his oldest sister’s rambling beach house, just a block from the ocean in Hermosa Beach – with six other guys, none of whom have the inclination to clean up after themselves – ever. When we go to the beach, Ricardo makes it a point to discreetly tell the girls we meet that we live just a block away. Ricardo is always ready with a line. Once he asked a couple of sunbathing beauties to watch our metal folding chairs while we walked up to the house to make some ice cold lemonade. They agreed and we sprinted up to the house.
“Don’t worry about a thing Billy boy, the old lemonade trick works every time. These girls will melt in our hands like butter when we get back.”
Making the lemonade took a little longer than it should have because we had to find the dirty pitcher and glasses and then break them away from a calcified mountain of filthy dishes in the sink. Then we had to chisel away the life forms that set up housekeeping inside the glassware.
After much hard work, we returned to our prospects on the beach. Unfortunately a couple of mammoth body builders had taken our chairs and were talking to our girls. It was pretty tough to sound suave and sophisticated when Ricardo asked, “Hey fellas, can we have our chairs back, please?”
“Dave Cruz (1979)” is from my collection of short stories, The Eight Fingered Criminal’s Son.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Ten Thousand Words, Snapping Ostiches and Slow Ride
The last five days are a fog. The book is up and running at 10,000 words and 51 pages. I’m still fighting back the rotten cold. I tried to go to the gym yesterday – to sweat the boogieman out of me. No dice; the gym is closed due to the Chandler Ostrich Festival. That’s right, my town has a yearly Ostrich Festival. They even have ostrich races. I went to the festival once, maybe 15 years ago. An ostrich bit me in the ear. I’m not kidding. Ostriches make look sweet and dopey, but they’re not; they are vicious creatures. Kind of makes it hard to feel sorry for them when they get made into ostrich burgers. Foghat is playing the festival tonight. It would be cool to hear Foghat pump out Slow Ride, not so cool, mind you,that I’d want to leave my house, brave a crowd and risk being attacked by vicious ostriches. Yeah, I think I’ll lay low, basking in the glory of my 10,000 words in five days. I might even have a Polish beer and watch a little college basketball. Come to think of it, I think there’s an old Foghat album around here somewhere.
Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy,
Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Epic Stuggle and Writer's High
I’m En Fuego.
I knocked another two thousand words today. I finished with a solid rush of writer’s high. The euphoria was still with me an hour after I stopped at 6,341 words and 31 pages. The story is coming along better than I had hoped. Twists continue to develop within the plot and a couple more new characters emerged today.
I’ve been sick since I started writing new book. The first couple of days entailed an awful lot of hacking and sneezing. Yesterday I broke into a fever after I finished writing. Now that I’m feeling better, the dramatist in me is looking back the last couple of days as some kind of epic struggle.
In the interest of documenting drama and conflict, I kept a record of the interruptions during today’s writing session. For full effect, hum the theme to The Ten Commandments as you read. Hold on, I just tried it and I can’t hum the theme to The Ten Commandments and read at the same time.
9:44 – Sat down to go over the plot and character notes
9:48 – Goggled 1960’s surfer jargon (for one of the characters)
9:54 - My ten year-old asked to use the computer. I said no. Then my eight year-old asked me to look at her blood blister. I looked at the blister. It was indeed pretty darned icky…
9:59 – My wife asked me to sigh income tax paperwork.
10:06 – My five year-old asked for a band aid. She scraped her heel.
10:07 – My eight year-old asked to see one of the books at my desk. I took a break, refilled my coffee and grabbed a banana.
10:09 – Back to writing…
10:19 – My eight year-old asked if she could get new shoes, shoes like Bella in Twilight wears. I said maybe…
10:24 – My five year old asked me to tie her shoes. I did. My wife asked what I needed from Cost Co. I asked her to remember coffee. I got up to blow my nose and walked downstairs to grab a granola bar. My wife gave me a hug and left with the girls for Cost Co.
10:27 - Back to writing…
10:36 – The phone rang. I didn’t answer.
11:16 – I took a break, watered the back lawn and made a protein shake.
11:30 – Back to writing…
12:07 – Restroom break…Called wife. I forgot to tell her to pick up frozen berries.
1:08 – Walked downstairs for a glass of water.
1:14 – Phone rang. I didn’t answer.
1:39 – Family returned. I shut the door and kept writing.
1:57 – A friend called on the cell phone. I told him I would call back in five minutes.
2:00 – Quitting Time: 6431 words and 31 pages.
3:00 – Began to come down from severe case of writer’s high. Ahhhhhh…
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Another Two Thousand Words and a Serindipidous Brush with Moonlight Graham
I banged out my two thousand words this morning. A new major character appeared in the story. I sure didn’t see him coming. That’s the magic of writing. I have a basic plot in my head, but it could change if that’s what the story wants…
Yesterday I posted the following Burt Lancaster quote from Field of Dreams.
Well, you know I... I never got to bat in the major leagues. I would have liked to have had that chance. Just once. To stare down a big league pitcher. To stare him down, and just as he goes into his windup, wink. Make him think you know something he doesn't. That's what I wish for. A chance to squint at a sky so blue that it hurts your eyes just to look at it. To feel the tingling in your arm as you connect with the ball. To run the bases - stretch a double into a triple, and flop face-first into third, wrap your arms around the bag. That's my wish, Ray Kinsella. That's my wish. And is there enough magic out there in the moonlight to make this dream come true?
This morning I was channel surfing and came upon Field of Dreams just in time for Burt Lancaster to deliver the same lines I posted yesterday. Is the universe trying to tell me something? My back yard is definitely too small to build a baseball diamond. And I never really dreamt of pursuing a career in the major leagues. Archie “Moonlight” Graham, played by Burt Lancaster, is a minor league ball player who gave up his baseball dream to become a doctor. He realizes that he made the right choice, that saving lives is more important than playing a game. As a teacher who always dreamt of doing something more exciting, I can relate Archie “Moonlight” Graham. Or not…
If nothing else, I finally found the occasion to use the word “serendipitous” – three times.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
James Patterson's Advice on Writing and the Significance of Two Thousand Words
James Patterson’s Advice on Writing
I don’t think there are a lot of readable books out there. There are less than people think there are. I don’t think it’s that easy. And it’s not a question of somebody who writes good sentences. It’s a question of being able to tell stories in a way that captivates readers.
I don’t think there are a lot of readable books out there. There are less than people think there are. I don’t think it’s that easy. And it’s not a question of somebody who writes good sentences. It’s a question of being able to tell stories in a way that captivates readers.
My advice to most people, in terms of, what should you do after you write your book? Should you invest in some marketing? Should you stand outside a bookstore with flyers? Go write another book. Go write another book! You learned things writing this book. Make use of them in the next book, and keep your passion going, and get that habit.
I came across the comments in the March/April issue of Writer’s Digest. I haven’t read much of Patterson’s stuff, but I did enjoy his books about the flying bird-kids - The Maximum Ride series. The movie will be coming out in November. Patterson has had 42 New York Times bestsellers and 100 million readers have read at least one James Patterson book. This is a guy with some serious juice.
Two Thousand Words
I did it! Today I knocked out two thousand words for book number three and I did it in spite of ceaseless coughing, wheezing and sneezing attacks. Surging forward, I banged away at the keyboard until I hit my goal. I feel like Rocky Balboa after standing toe to toe with the champ, bloodied, battered, and barely cognizant - I’m still standing…
Monday, March 9, 2009
Prescott, Arizona
The wife and I just returned from a two-day recharge in Prescott, the former territorial capital of Arizona. The kids stayed home with family. We bunked down at the eighty year-old Hassayampa Hotel. The old place is said to be a haunted but neither of us saw any ghosts. Maybe next time. The two of us fed our gambling habit, each of us playing ten dollars on the penny slot machines at Bucky’s Casino. For the record, we were both busted within twenty minutes. And we found time to see Slum Dog Millionaire and Grand Torino, both outstanding movies.
We try to make the trip each year to celebrate our anniversary. My new book takes place in Prescott so I squeezed in a little research on among other things: the great Whiskey Row fire of 1900, the ghost at the Hassayampa Hotel, Bucky O’Neil and the Rough Riders, the filming of Billy Jack and Junior Bonner, and the night Bruce Springsteen rolled up on his Harley and played with one of the bands on Whiskey Row.
As I drove home from the high country it became apparent that spring has sprung – and so have my allergies. I just returned from Target where I purchased a virtual Disneyland of Allergy medications. I ‘m armed with cough drops, nasal spray, and the Target knock offs of Claritin, Tylenol Sinus and Nyquil. Come Hell or high water, I will write two thousand words tomorrow.
We try to make the trip each year to celebrate our anniversary. My new book takes place in Prescott so I squeezed in a little research on among other things: the great Whiskey Row fire of 1900, the ghost at the Hassayampa Hotel, Bucky O’Neil and the Rough Riders, the filming of Billy Jack and Junior Bonner, and the night Bruce Springsteen rolled up on his Harley and played with one of the bands on Whiskey Row.
As I drove home from the high country it became apparent that spring has sprung – and so have my allergies. I just returned from Target where I purchased a virtual Disneyland of Allergy medications. I ‘m armed with cough drops, nasal spray, and the Target knock offs of Claritin, Tylenol Sinus and Nyquil. Come Hell or high water, I will write two thousand words tomorrow.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Teacher Mojo
It’s a good day to be a teacher. Over the years I’ve had occasion to question my career choice, usually because of the systemically anemic pay. I’ve watched friends and neighbors pull in salaries that doubled, tripled or even quadrupled my humble teacher’s wages. My wife and I have learned to live a frugal lifestyle. Although I’ll be taking a pay cut next year, I’m relatively confident that I’ll have a job. And I’m well aware that more than four million of my fellow Americans have lost their jobs and the odds are countless others will be out of work before we’re out of this mess.
Furthermore, I am grateful for the two week spring break that began this afternoon. With spring break comes time to write. I’ve learned to be productive over the breaks, writing two books over the last three years. If things work out according to my plan, I’ll be twenty-thousand words into my third book two weeks from tonight.
Finally, I’m at a point in my career where I’m honestly enjoying my job. Today I read a chapter of The Spirit Guide Bar to my students. They responded positively. Of course I am the guy in who gives out grades. I guess some of the kids fear me more than others. The boss promotes post secondary education by encouraging the teachers to wear university t-shirts. Today I wore a t-shirt that read ARIZONA STATE -1886. One of the boys asked, “1886, is that the year you graduated?” The truth is I don’t think any of them fear me - and that’s OK with me.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
More Rejection
Rejections Received 61
Under Consideration 16
Miscellaneous Responses 2
Requests for a Second Chapter 1
Literary Agent
I’m gearing up to start the third book next week. I have two weeks off and I’m looking to pump out two thousand words a day.
Here’s a conversation that took place with a student.
“Hey Mr. Snyder, you want to meet up for some pick up ball next week?”
“I guess I’m not too old to lace up the sneakers one more time.”
“Sorry Snyder, I think you are too old if you call your shoes sneakers.”
As Rodney Dangerfield once said, now I know why tigers eat their young…
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Time Travel and "It's About Time"
Like most red blooded American kids, I watched a lot of television in the sixties. But now I don’t care what the temperature is. That was a joke. A bad joke, a corny joke but it was a joke nonetheless. Along with Sherman and Peabody, and The Time Tunnel, It’s About Time helped me develop an interest in the concept of time travel. It’s About Time also helped me develop my bad or corny sense of humor.
I actually owned a copy the coloring book you see in this posting.
Unless you're an American Baby Boomer, you probably never had the chance to see It’s About Time. As far as I know, the network ran twenty-six episodes and that the end of it. No reruns.
Here’s the series in a nutshell. Two astronauts, Hector and Mac blast off from Cape Canaveral, break the time barrier and find themselves in prehistoric times where they meet a gorgeous female genie. Ok, the beautiful genie was a whole ‘nother show. They do befriend a cave couple, Gronk and Shadd. According to my Sunday morning net research, Shadd was originally named Shagg. This was before the network censors realized the British have a pretty colorful meaning for the word, shag. Back to the meat and potatoes, the astronauts live with a group of cave people until they find the copper they need to launch their space capsule. They return to 1966, where they realize Grogg and Shadd have stowed away in the capsule. The last seven episodes focus on Mac and Hector as they to hide their cave friends from NASA.
The show was created by Sherwood Schwartz, the mastermind of Gilligan’s Island and The Brady Bunch. I found an eight minute clip of It’s About Time on You tube. Watching the clip was an exercise in time travel back to a Sunday night in 1966. It was also a hoot. The background music is quite similar to The Brady Bunch and Gilligan’s Island. One of the Astronauts sounds and acts an awful lot like Gilligan and Schwartz used a lot of the same props Gilligan’s Island and It’s About Time.
In this particular episode, the astronauts find themselves tied up and on trial because Mac snapped a photograph of the boss. The cave people call their chief boss and speak English – caveman English, but English nonetheless.
One of the cavemen waves the photograph and says, “Prisoners evil spirits. Try to hurt boss with wicked magic.”
Sounding just like Gilligan, Hector says, “What’s he kicking about? It’s in focus. The background looks nice.”
How come people stopped saying what’s he kicking about?
Then Mac, sounding an awful lot like the skipper, says, “What’s he kicking about? To these people, a photograph is black magic.”
Hector comes back with, “It’s in color.”
Corny jokes are a good thing. I propose we all try to crack at least one corny joke each day. While we’re at it, let’s try to say “What’s he kicking about?”at least once a day too.
It's about time, it's about space,
About two men in the strangest place.
It's about time, it's about flight -
Traveling faster than the speed of light.
This is the tale of the brave crew
As through the barrier of time they flew.
Past a fighting minuteman, Past an armored knight,
Past a Roman warrior, To this ancient site.
It's about caves, cavemen too,
About a time when the earth was new.
Wait'll they see what is in sight!
Is it good luck or is it good night?
It's about two astronauts, it's about their fate,
It's about a woman and her prehistoric mate.
It's about time, it's about space,
About two men in the strangest place.
They will be here right on this spot
No matter if they like it or not.
How will they live in this primitive state?
Will help ever come before it is too late?
Will they ever get away?
Watch each week and see!
Will they be returning to the 20th Century?
It's about time for our goodbyes
To all these prehistoric gals and guys.
7:00-7:30 Lassie
7:30-8:00 It's About Time
8:00-9:00 The Ed Sullivan Show
9:00-10:00 The Garry Moore Show
10:00-10:30 Candid Camera
10:30-11:00 What's My Line
I actually owned a copy the coloring book you see in this posting.
Unless you're an American Baby Boomer, you probably never had the chance to see It’s About Time. As far as I know, the network ran twenty-six episodes and that the end of it. No reruns.
Here’s the series in a nutshell. Two astronauts, Hector and Mac blast off from Cape Canaveral, break the time barrier and find themselves in prehistoric times where they meet a gorgeous female genie. Ok, the beautiful genie was a whole ‘nother show. They do befriend a cave couple, Gronk and Shadd. According to my Sunday morning net research, Shadd was originally named Shagg. This was before the network censors realized the British have a pretty colorful meaning for the word, shag. Back to the meat and potatoes, the astronauts live with a group of cave people until they find the copper they need to launch their space capsule. They return to 1966, where they realize Grogg and Shadd have stowed away in the capsule. The last seven episodes focus on Mac and Hector as they to hide their cave friends from NASA.
The show was created by Sherwood Schwartz, the mastermind of Gilligan’s Island and The Brady Bunch. I found an eight minute clip of It’s About Time on You tube. Watching the clip was an exercise in time travel back to a Sunday night in 1966. It was also a hoot. The background music is quite similar to The Brady Bunch and Gilligan’s Island. One of the Astronauts sounds and acts an awful lot like Gilligan and Schwartz used a lot of the same props Gilligan’s Island and It’s About Time.
In this particular episode, the astronauts find themselves tied up and on trial because Mac snapped a photograph of the boss. The cave people call their chief boss and speak English – caveman English, but English nonetheless.
One of the cavemen waves the photograph and says, “Prisoners evil spirits. Try to hurt boss with wicked magic.”
Sounding just like Gilligan, Hector says, “What’s he kicking about? It’s in focus. The background looks nice.”
How come people stopped saying what’s he kicking about?
Then Mac, sounding an awful lot like the skipper, says, “What’s he kicking about? To these people, a photograph is black magic.”
Hector comes back with, “It’s in color.”
Corny jokes are a good thing. I propose we all try to crack at least one corny joke each day. While we’re at it, let’s try to say “What’s he kicking about?”at least once a day too.
It's about time, it's about space,
About two men in the strangest place.
It's about time, it's about flight -
Traveling faster than the speed of light.
This is the tale of the brave crew
As through the barrier of time they flew.
Past a fighting minuteman, Past an armored knight,
Past a Roman warrior, To this ancient site.
It's about caves, cavemen too,
About a time when the earth was new.
Wait'll they see what is in sight!
Is it good luck or is it good night?
It's about two astronauts, it's about their fate,
It's about a woman and her prehistoric mate.
It's about time, it's about space,
About two men in the strangest place.
They will be here right on this spot
No matter if they like it or not.
How will they live in this primitive state?
Will help ever come before it is too late?
Will they ever get away?
Watch each week and see!
Will they be returning to the 20th Century?
It's about time for our goodbyes
To all these prehistoric gals and guys.
7:00-7:30 Lassie
7:30-8:00 It's About Time
8:00-9:00 The Ed Sullivan Show
9:00-10:00 The Garry Moore Show
10:00-10:30 Candid Camera
10:30-11:00 What's My Line