Antonio Smith, former Arizona Cardinal and neighborhood celebrity has moved to Texas. The Dallas Texans offered him something like two million dollars a year to sign with them. The Cardinals were only paying him something like a million dollars a year. I ran some figures is my head and realized I’ve been working since 1976 and still haven’t made my first million. I can’t comprehend a million bucks a year, let alone two million bucks a year. Back to the subject at hand, Antonio Smith is a nice guy and I wish him the best.
A deadly sword fight took place in Indianapolis last night. A 77 year old woman was killed trying to break up the duel between her 69 year-old brother-in-law and her 39 year-old grandson. Both men are in the hospital. They really shredded each other up. Details are sketchy.
All I want to know is who the hell fights duels – with swords? A life was lost and the whole thing is quite tragic; I get that. But a sword fight? Maybe the two idiots had seen too many Errol Flynn movies. I wonder if one of the idiots said the words , “I challenge you to a duel.” Maybe just one of the guys was a psychopathic idiot and he came after the other guy with the sword and the other guy picked up a sword to defend himself. Wait, who has swords lying around the house?
Is there anything to be learned from this madness?
First, never try to break up a sword fight. And second, never underestimate the stupidity, the recklessness, the sheer lunacy of your fellow man.
A sword fight?
A sword fight?
I didn’t get any work on my book done this week. My teaching responsibilities kept me busy and I’ve been spending a lot of time on the blog.
I received the following rejection email today, the first in over a month.
Sorry, not for me.
Short, firm, and to the point. Could a rejected writer ask for anything else ?
The King of Cool was on Richard Nixon’s notorious “List of Enemies.” Ironically, Steve McQueen’s political beliefs were conservative.
Never underestimate the potential for stupidity coming out of the state of Indiana, such as the Ku Klux Klan, Kelvin Sampson, and Dan Quayle.
With considerable embarassment, I remain,
Your Hoosier pal,
I think Arizona is partially responsible for Dan "Potatoe" Quail. Didn't he go to high school out here?
By the way, I'm married to a Hoosier. Beautiful state. I really dig the summer evening fireflies.
Weapons seem to be the thing in the States, as far as I learned it whilst living in the US.
To put this into some edge of Time Travel - Maybe they were in the midst of discovering via motion that they were reincarted from an medieval incarnation... Kinda ironic that my shuffle radio now plays "Yesterday Once More" by The Carpenters...
Who knows? Anything is possible when it comes to crazy people...
Where did you live in the US?
You've got me singing Carpenters songs today.
That was me with the response.
Suprisingly enough, I actually got screwed up with the technology...
#167 Dad
Why do birds suddenly appear... yea! They have some good songs! I just love the old songs... I was only born in 1979- but I often miss the 60ies and 70ies - I think something time travellish got hooked within my non-existent matrix there...
I lived in Gadsden, Alabama and in Newark, Delware. I really liked Ol' Bamy's free nature - the Indian Summer blew me away...
When a husband places a loaded gun beneath his wife's bed matrace - you know you are not in Germany anymore...
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