Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Is Lindsay Lohan Pregnant? What's the Deal with Miss California? What about Donald Trump?


Do you really care whether or not Lindsay Lohan is pregnant? Miss California seems to be getting a lot of attention today. I’m not sure I understand why. Quite frankly, I wasn’t aware that people still cared about beauty pageants. Apparently, the woman made a remark about gay marriage. Why would anyone care what a model thinks about gay marriage? Now people are freaking out because seminude pictures of this woman have bubbled to the surface. Donald Trump is also involved in the nonsense. He has forgiven Miss California for the semi naked pictures. I wasn’t aware anyone still cared what Donald Trump thought. Clearly, I'm observing how key words in the title effect my hit count...

Here's some information you can use. Miss California has no connection with Star Trek. But Steve McQueen does. The King of Cool costarred with William Shatner in a 1957 Studio One production of The Defender.


  1. It was a dumb question to ask on a beauty pageant, anyway. Dylan says in a song "Don't ask me what I think about you cause I just might tell you the truth."

  2. Can't help but thinking that McQ has a touch of G.W. in that caricature...

    Thanks for the Tribbles info (now why did I just now when I wrote that have a Deja-Vu concerning a certain type of soup my mother bought at a nutrition fair when I was about four years old?? Strange connection, really - this mind is going mad, no doubt...).

    Are you gonna plop up a statistics about hit counts on your blog? *g*

  3. If we do something which is pioneering, we will get arrows in the back. But at the end of the day, whether we succeed or not, the journey will be worthwhile.

  4. The Shat and the King of Cool, tha's just eehh...Cool!

  5. Rick,
    Beauty contestants aren't supposed to think, are they?

    Thanks for stopping by. Don't be a stranger.

    Who doesn't have fond memories of ma's Tribble soup.
    By the way, who gets to decide what "mad" is? Emily Dickinson said, "Much madness is divinest sense - to a discerning eye."
    The site count is posted on the right...
    It's always good to hear from my one woman German contingiency...

    Cheap jordan shoes,
    Rminds me of a quote. " It's good to have an end to journy toward, but it's the journey that matters in the end."
    Thanks for reading. Stop by again soon.

    G MAN,
    I knew you would appreciate that little yid bit...

  6. The Tribble soup! Duh! How could I forget... XD
