Monday, June 29, 2009

The First Story of the Summer

I knocked out my first story of the summer today – first draft complete at 2,800 words. Writing has been a challenge at la casa de Snyder. Today my granddaughter knocked a speaker onto my grandson’s head. I picked my grandson up, bounced the crying boy on my knee and kept on writing. No retreat, baby. No surrender. The story is pretty out there. The eighteen year-old me has a beer with the forty-eight year-old me and God. I’ve been reading Zora Neal Hurston’s Moses, Man of the Mountain and I’m thinking Zora had something to do with the plot. The story is going to need plenty of work but it felt good to get the first one under my belt. Fourteen more to go.

Yogi Bear is smarter than the average bear,
Yogi Bear is always in the ranger's hair.
At a picnic table you will find him there
Stuffing down more goodies than the average bear.
He will sleep till noon but before it's dark,
He'll have every picnic basket that's in Jellystone Park.
Yogi has it better than a millionaire
That's becasue he's smarter than the average bear.


  1. Today my granddaughter knocked a speaker onto my grandson’s head. I picked my grandson up, bounced the crying boy on my knee and kept on writing. No retreat, baby. No surrender. The story is pretty out there. The eighteen year-old me has a beer with the forty-eight year-old me and God.

    YOW!! That's da Spirit, man!! Haha! -- I know fully how it feels to be sucked into writing. It's a slight case of autism when in it... (or as other's call it when they catch me in it "Jeez, where the hell is YOUR mind floating about??" -- ha!
    I'll call you "bro" - lol.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Blues - Thanks for the inspiration!!!
