Sunday, August 2, 2009

The 100th post: Clif the Lawyer's Prescott Photos

This is my 100th blog entry. I don't really know that it means anything; just thought I'd mention it.

The 2009-2010 school year is up and running and I've been busier than a one armed chicken plucker. That's right I wrote "busier than a one armed chicken plucker." This is my 100th blog and I can write whatever I like. Besides, I think it's a colorful simile. Anyhow, I've got lots of blogs piling up in my skull. If you check in from time to time, you'll eventually learn about about the Arizona heat wave, a scorpion invasion, the smartest ficus tree,in the world and The Manly Guy Blogger Award.

Here is a shot of the all too heroic Arizona Justice League of Photographers in Prescott, Arizona.

Clif the Lawyer developed this logo. There could be Arizona Justice League of Photograpers could be tee shirts in the future. Maybe we could get patches made and sew them onto the backs of leather jackets. Then we could buy Harleys. We could roll down the Americas highways and backroads protecting people in small towns from outlaw biker-photographers.
Guess we'll see how it goes.

Above is Bryan Frank and the original Justice League, the Los Angeles Justice League of Photographers.
The following photos were taken by Cliof the Lawyer.

The Hassayumpa sign has been there since 1927.

Here's a fantastic shot of the Bird Cage Saloon. The Bird Cage is a biker hang out. I have a personal connection with this joint. Did I mention my wife and I were married in Prescott? On the morning of the wedding I rodeto the church with old friends Pat Rodriguez, Danny Martinez and Steve Vanderwall. We some how lost the directions. It was eight a.m and the Birdcage was the only place open. So we ducked in for directions. There were a half dozen tough looking bikers bellied up to the bar. One of them gave us the directions and another bought us each a shot of Jack Daniels. We threw back our shots, thanked the bikers and got back in the car. We hadn't made it half a block when we realized that each of us thought one of the others had been paying attention to the directions. So we cranked a u-turn and piled back into the birdacage. Danny Martinez bought a round of shots for the house and Pat Rodriguez jotted the directions down on a bar napkin. The wedding went off as planned, thanks in no small part to the bikers at the Bird Cage Saloon

Here's a shot from the entrance of Matt's Saloon.

This is Gurley Street, Prescott's main drag. That's Thumb Butte in the background.

A little film called Nobody's Fool, starring Eric Roberts and Rosanna Arquette was shot in Prescott in 1986. Dig that mullett on Eric Roberts.
Well, that's all I have for today. Now that I've posted my 100th blog I somehow feel - like I need to burp.

If you're new to this blog, you probably didn't know I wrote THE EIGHT-FINGERED CRIMINAL'S SON, a quirky collection of mostly true stories about growing up in 1970s Southern California. And you can download the e-book for a measly 5 bucks by clicking here:


  1. Then we could buy Harleys. We could roll down the Americas highways and back roads protecting people in small towns from outlaw biker-photographers.

    That was the best laugh of the day!! Thank you! Haha!!

  2. And I have to say it: the logo of the AJLP has a hint of the Tibetan flag - dunnit?
    (Why "Justice"?)
    I like the shot of Gurly Street. It reminds me of Rainbow Drive in Gadsden a bit somehow...

  3. Blues,
    Thanks for laughing at my goofy joke...

  4. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog!! What fun to come to your blog and see pictures of Prescott, AZ. We used to live in Albuquerque and visit Prescott from time to time. It's been a while though... :) Silke

  5. Silke,
    Thanks for having a looksee...

  6. Good job. I enjoyed the pics and can't help feeling a deep sense of pride. You are all true Justice League Photographers.

  7. It wasn't _that_ goofy. It opened up a hole Western type road movie inside my head. ^^

  8. Leather jacket with the logo..Harleys..hmm,sounds very cool and fun.Congratulations on your 100th post.....its like reading a men-magazine ...very different and great....thanks for sharing your weeding day story.

  9. I'm so glad the Bird Cage in Prescott is different than the one in the movie of the same name. Shots at 8AM with a bunch of bikers makes for a better story than say, mimosas with Nathan Lane in drag. For a second I thought I might have to retract the Manly Blogger Guy Award.

  10. Blues,
    Heck, maybe we have a screenplay in our mitts.

    Don't think my wife will let me have a Harley, but a man's got to have a dream.

    Some of those guys were dressed in leather...

  11. I agree with David C...
    When I think Birdcage..
    Bikers don't immediately come to mind.. unless of course you count that dude singing Y M C A

    Congrats on your 100th !

  12. italgalmm,
    Come to think of it, those bikers were very well groomed...

  13. That last comment was mine. Still can't figure out the technology...
    #167 Dad

  14. Snyder, how this blog has grow to such a stature. I hope that teaching will go smoothly this year, and that your war with technology will lessen or cease. i am glad you have become an accomplished blogger.

  15. Congratulations for that nice round number: 100!
    Arizona land of the perhaps last jaguars in USA!

  16. JWest,
    Always good to hear from you. We both know I'll never beat technology.
    Don't be a stranger...

    I don't see many jaquars around here. I do see a Firari every once in a while...

    #167 Dad
