Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Arizona Justice League of Photographers Rides... The Train

On Saturday, October 10th the Arizona Justice League of Photographers rode the light rail to downtown Phoenix. We purchased our all day passes for 3.50 and waited. The 10:15 train slowed down a bit ahead of the stop. As we jogged ahead to make the train the heartless bastard left us in the dust. Eric the Photographer noticed the driver giving us a hand signal that must have meant we were number one in his heart.

We caught the next train where I attempted to get a group photo. It’s not as easy as you’d think, not if you’re technological nincompoop like me.
As I was trying to get the shot, I mentioned to the guys, that I had made up a joke that had already been made up by someone else.
"Hey fellas." I said, "What did the governor of California say when he wanted to become a composer? I'll be Bach."
Clif the Lawyer (behind the camera) proceeded o ask, "What did the governor of California say when he wanted to become a chicken? I'll be bach, bach, bach, bach."
I should point out that he sounded very much like a chicken.
I might also point out that I laughed - very hard. It's inprtant that I include this kind of thing so you can get the real feel of an Arizona Justice League of Photographers shoot.
After 27 failed attempts, I was able to get a shot of all four of us. (left to right) That's Mario the Chef, Clif the Lawyer, Eic the Photographer and yours truly. By the way, no one checked our passes. We could have ridden for free - if we weren't the ethical types.

Downtown Phoenix was pretty much deserted.

There was an awful lot of construction going on. I thought everybody was broke.

Here's a shot of Mario the Chef trying to keep up with Eric the Photographer. It's not the Mario walks so slow, it's just that Eric is the fastestwalker I've ever seen.

Hungry from all of that fast walking we ducked into a joint called the Coney Island Grill.

This joint had some serious atmosphere. That's Marge and Hank and they run the place.
We spent a half hour or so enjoying hot dogs, burgers and sodas.
I don't remember hearing Hank speak. But Marge, she was the Energizer bunny, baby. She went on for 30 minutes without stopping.

Hank and Marge are from Chicago, but they've been in Phoeniz for 30 years. She's a former legal secretary and back in the day, she ran a tight ship. Marge told us stories about Phoenix power brokers like Phil Gordon, Fife Simington, and Janet Napolitano.
The food was good, but it was Marge that really made the experience.
If you're ever in downtown Phoenix you're missing out if you don't stop in to have hot dog with Marge and Hank ant the Coney Island Grill.

I like this shot. It was taken right after we left the Coney Island Grill. I forgot I was still holding half a cup of Diet Coke when I raised the camera to shoot this magnificent picture. Drenched myself. Anything to provide a little entertainment for my fellow Justice Leaguers.

This picture had to be taken. There's got to be a story behind the pink rose with a broken stem.

There are more photos to post and stories to tell. Eric sent me some beautiful photos. I just have to figure out how to load them up. Look for The Arizona Justice League of Photographers Rides - The Light Rail Part II later this week.


  1. I bet you guys have a lot of laughs. Not one of you looks to have a serious side.

  2. Susan,
    It was good to have have a few laughs. Quite frankly, Clif the Lawyer's seft side is pretty serious.
    Thanks for taking a look.

  3. Things that i would pass in other blogs i do read and enjoy in yours because i know is gonna be fun. And there they go again riding against the horizont (like at the end of the of the third Indiana movie) the legendary Arizona justice League of Photographers...

  4. Its nice to see the group photo(27 attempts work so hard for us...thanks)...missed train,the joke,deserted streets,energy pack Marge,quite Hank,spilled Coke....enjoyed it all,would love to hear the story behind pink rose with broken time let the photographer take the picture so that we can see your other half of the face .....once again a very interesting post...makes me say...I'LL BE BACH.

  5. G-man,
    The heroic Arizona Justice League - I like that...
    And I'll be bach, bach, bach...

  6. Thoroughly entertaining post as always. Loved the part about the spilled coke! Ah, brings back memories ....normally glasses of wine sploshed down my neck...invariably in a public place to the great amusement of others. Why does that never happen at home I wonder!

    Look forward to the next installment :)

  7. Looks like a day of goofing around. Those days are good - often. Can't wait to see more of it.

  8. Quillfeather,
    Yes, it's true. I poured a drink on myself while taking a picture and I was completely sober. Go figure.

    Goofing off is a skill like anything else.

  9. Just picked up a copy of Steve Martin's born standing up. Looks to be very good. Thanks for the recommendation.
