Sunday, April 11, 2010

snYder coMics #11 - WHEN PIGS FLY

I've run across a few people with goofy names over the years.
Extacy Queen, Liberty Bell and Ivy Wall are fomer students and Roy Beadknopf is a former classmate.


  1. Momma,
    That's just the attidude we need around here!

  2. . . .oh, and I'm loving the blog.

  3. You are a clever young man...

    Good stuff :)

  4. I've known a few people with some interesting names myself. None of them appropriate to mention here. :)

  5. beFrank,
    Much appreciated, Bryan. And - oh, I got more Pigasus comin'.

  6. Thanks, Wendy, especially for the young part.

  7. Susan,
    Roy Beadknopf's name was highly inappropriate when pronounced correctly.

  8. Oh Man..
    I thought Extacy Queen was only something you could find at a rave.
    Names like this would have me climbling my ever lovin Ivy Walls!
    All I can say is...
    Poor Poor Roy.

    Nice Job !!

  9. Funny stuff, dude! The cartoons and photos really show your awesome versatility. Really good blog. I'm following. Thanks for stopping by!

    Oh, and I went to high school with a kid named Rusty Nail. I think he's in prison now. Probably his parents fault for naming him that.

  10. I could come with a lot in spanish but you probably wouldn't believe me. an historical exmple would be the spanish explorer in now american lands "Cabeza de Vaca" cabeza meaning head and vaca cow. A common one would be "Dolores de Barriga" that would be Stomach Eachs!

  11. italalgalmm,
    I didn't have any classes with Roy, but word on the street was he gave substitutes a heckuca time explaing how to correctly pronounce his name...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Tgoette,
    Thanks. Looking forward to following your blog...

  14. G-Man,
    Next time I get burned at someone, I'm calling him a cow head...
