Sunday, February 13, 2011


This picture was in the bottom of my sock drawer. I'm the goofy looking one. We called ourselves The Comedy Guys. I did stand-up comedy with these guys in the eighties. Now we don't care what the temperature is. That was a joke. I think it's pretty funny. The fact that I think this joke is funny is a primary example of why I am no longer performing stand-up comedy.

I'm making this a quick entry because my computer keeps crashing. It's being attacked by a virus. I hate viruses. I'm probably going to need to buy a new one. I'm thinking of buying a an Apple. I hear Apples almost never get viruses. Furthermore, a friend of mine works for Microsoft. He tells me the working conditions are deplorable and Bill Gates is mean s.o.b..

I hate viruses and I'm not exactly happy with Bill Gates.

If I buy an Apple, I can stick to the man. I can stick it to Bill Gates. Make no mistake, Bill Gates is the man. I like to stick it to the man. Yeah, this one's for my buddy and his colleagues at Microsoft!

But wait. What if I start a trend? What if eveyone buys Apples because they never get viruses and Bill Gates is a mean s.o.b.? Won't my buddy lose his job? What if Steve Jobs is mean s.o.b. too? Life is so complicated.

I'll have to do some ruminating on this one...


  1. Yes, buy and apple. I have an apple. I like apples.

    But wait. If your buddy loses his job, we'll both stick it to the man.

  2. Funny post! Loved it. Stick it to the man, you rebel you.
    And I think you must have been great at stand up.

  3. I laughed when I heard your eighties joke even though I didn't understand it until the second reading (we use Celsius down under)!

    I fear Steve Jobs might be a mean s.o.b. too. Plus, I think Apple's losing some of its underdog kudos with their annoying iPod batteries that you can't replace and annoying iTunes software that also installs Quicktime and other annoying Apple quirks.

    I don't know how to resolve your dilemma.

  4. Not to mention what Bill Gates has done to grammar with the phrase, "Windows is shutting down."

  5. I just got rid of a virus on my computer. I'd like to to stick it to the man too!

  6. Have a great Valentine's Day!

  7. Ola, Bill yeah sock it to Gates. I go round n round with viruses too. I bought a spy system online for $30 bucks a year. It seems to have calmed down. Haven't posted for a while but working to get that Muse lady to look my way. Best. Rick

  8. Wendy,
    I'm all for sticking it to the man, where ever he is!
    And I do want an Apple...

  9. Pamo,
    Thanks for the favorable vibes.
    An of course I was a great Stand-up.
    I'm just being modest.
    Yeah, that's the ticket...

  10. IZ,
    Where the huck were you when I was doing stand-up?
    Actually, I think you were in kindergarten...

  11. Akseli,
    I solved the problem by giving nothing to Gates or Jobs...

  12. David,
    You're a stitch, my Hoosier friend!

  13. JJ,
    Always appreciate hearing from you!

  14. Rick!
    Great to hear from you!
    Welcome back, mi amigo!
