Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Eight Fingered Criminal's Son News

The print version of The Eight-Fingered Criminal's Son is in the works. While the book will be available at, you can pick up a copy in person at Chandler Auto and Tire. I'm working with the friendly and efficient folks at Chandler Auto and Tire to put together a book and a tune-up deal. Owner Brett "Big Cat White" has even agreed to chain a copy of The Eight-Fingered Criminal's Son next to the commode. The first reading and book signing will be hosted by those mechanical wizards at Chandler and Tire. Big Cat says there will be plenty of stale donuts and bad coffee for all who attend.

You can download the ebook version of The Eight-Fingered Criminal's Son for a measley 5 bucks by clicking on the link below.


  1. How is the famous author doing? And the book selling sounds like it is going great....congrats!

  2. Thanks for the good Mojo, Momma Fargo!
