Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Christmas Comic, News on THE-EIGHT-FINGERED CRIMINAL'S SON, and a Christmas Joke

It's that time of year again. I posted this comic last year, but what the heck, maybe it will be funny this time around.

Did I mention that I wrote a  book called The Eight-Fingered Criminal's Son? You can download the e-book by clicking on this link:
I should have some news on the print version soon.

A Christmas joke: Did you hear that Scrooge's team won the football game? Yeah, the Ghost of Chritmas passed.


  1. Oh, I forgot in the midst of life, that I was reading your book on my Kindle. Will get back to it. So far, I'm enjoying it and highly recommend it to all your readers. Most fun.

  2. Susan,
    Glad to be of service. The students in my classroom look at me like they want to put cigars out in my ear when I tell them bad jokes...

  3. Thanks for the good book mojo, MJ.

  4. The ghost of Christmas passed, eh? And did Tiny Tim Tebow say "God bless us every one?"

    Merry Christmas, Bill.
