Thursday, May 24, 2012


These photographs were taken by Coolidge, Arizona's own renaissance man and all around good dude Clif the Lawyer.


As far as I know the first tire shop book signing in the history of the world went down on May 12th at Chandler Auto and Tire.

That's me signing a book for Derek. Derek is one of my all time favorite former students. Signing a book for a an all time favorite student is a very cool experience. That's my gorgeous wife Gail sitting next to me. She handled the cabbage. Gail always handles the cabbage.

This is Dickey "Tom Jones" Imburgia. He kept the crowd entertained with lines like, "It's not unusual to buy this book, just get in line."

My good friends Joel and Amy Fricke put together an Eight-Fingered Criminal's Son bouquet of hydrangeas with visual representations of events and characters from the book.

Dickey discusses transmissions and Tom Jones with Brett "Chandler Auto and Tire Repair" White. I might point out that as far as I know Brett is the first man in the history of the world to sell his brother-in-law's book at is tire shop.

My old college pal and fellow former stand-up comic Keith Boyd picked up a few books for his fellow Rocket Scientists. Kieth and his smart guy buddies put a rocket into orbit this week.

This Bryan Frank, KCAL videographer and photographer. Bryan, his wife Dellis, and Kieth the rocket man flew out from L.A. to lend some home town support.

Here's Bryan and his lovely wife Dellis. Dellis is also an old college pal. As a amtter of fact Bryan, Dellis, Keith and I all attended Cal State Long Beach together.

Here's part of the Chandler Auto and Tire family (Layton, Yours Truly, Jayden, Brett and Julie)

This my father-in-law Wayne.  He built the fabulous book display case that can be seen in the showroom of Chandler Auto and Tire. He also cooked hot dogs and hauled everything out to the tire shop in his truck. He fixed out toilet last week. Wayne is a most excellent father-in-law.

Here's my mother-in-law Elenore and Dellis. I love my mother-in-law.

Mario here is my son-in-law. He helped out with kid wrangling hot dog slinging and anything else that needed to be done.

Here's Julie "Mrs. Tire Man" White.  She is responsible for Chandler Auto and Tire Shop's cleanest restrooms in Arizona.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget the little people when you hit the national scene!
