Sunday, August 12, 2012


Thanks to my pal Joel Fricke for his California dreamin' photo of The Eight-Fingered Criminal's Son on the beach.

No flashread this week. Teaching has been hard. Not terrible, just hard. Did I mention that I have a junior English class with 47 students?  It's really hot too. It's 113 degrees today. This is because I live in the desert.

There will be another flashread at Papa Joe's Barbershop in Chandler next Saturday at noon. Dickie "Tom Jones" Imburgia will be part of thing. Austin Imburgia and Steven Bogamill, two of my all time greatest former students, will handle the cameras. Should be pretty good. By the way, I'm relatively sure I misspelled Steven's last name. Sorry, Steve.

I'm in the process of punching up my novel The Spirit Guide Bar. The book will be released in 2013.

If you're in the  greater Los Angeles area, it would be great to see you at the Eight-Fingered Criminal's Son Cheese Whiz Event at the Book Frog in Rolling Hills. The event will go down at 2 pm on October 6th. Dickie Tom Jones Imburgia and Rick Moranis have been invited. Passages will be read, books will signed and beer and cheese whiz will be had by all.

You can order a copy of The Eight-Fingered Criminal's Son by clicking on the link below.

1 comment:

  1. 47 students!!?? Now, that's "criminal", all those danged essays to read and correct.
