Would you buy a collection of mostly true, pretty funny stories about growing up in 1970s Southern California from this man?
You can join the 364 people who have by clicking on this link:
If you're in the metropolitan Phoenix area, you can pick up a copy of The Eight-Fingered Criminal's son at Papa Joe's Barber Shop or Chandler Auto and Tire. You gotta ask yourself how many people on the planet ever have the chance to get a book and a haircut or book and an oil change? The answer is darned few, baby!
The flash read camapign with Dickey "Tom Jones" Imburgia continues with two flash reads scheduled for next Saturday, September 15th.
If you're in So Cal, the Eight-Fingered Criminal's Son Cheese Whiz Event is scheduled for October 6th at The Book Frog in Rolling Hills.
I didn't realize J.D. Salinger grew a beard, but that is he.