Ty Lusk sang and helped me out with a flash read at Papa Joe's October 2nd Grand Reopening Ceremony. Ty played the part of Jimmy Dolan with his eyeball swinging from the socket as I read from Danny Gilroy's Pencil.
The half-man to Ty's left seemed to enjoy himself too.
Papa Joe announced that Joe Jr. will be taking over the shop. He assured the crowd of 100 or so people that he will continue to cut hair and tell an occasional penguin joke.
1996 Olympic gold medalist Amanda Borden was on hand to congratulate Papa Joe. Amanda runs a gymnastics studio in the shopping center.
Papa Joe and Joe Junior provided a magnificent lunch at The Devil's Kitchen. My wife and three of my daughters enjoyed the ceremony and gastronomic delights.
Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday afternoon.
That, indeed, is one terrific Tuesday. Good for you!