Sunday, August 1, 2010

1984 Griggit Cartoon,the Latest News on THE EIGHT FINGERED CRIMINAL'S SON and Tom Jones

This cartoon, drawn by yours truly, appeared in the Los Angeles Easy Reader in 1984.

                                  THE EIGHT FINGERED CRIMINALS SON NEWS

The book is scheduled to come out in early November.

In addition to GELI Book Store in Bangkok, Thailand, the Eight Fingered Criminal's Son will be available at Tempe Auto Repair in Tempe, Arizona. Sure selling a book at an auto repair shop is a weird idea, but it just might be weird enough to work - darn it.

A second book promo starring music legend, Tom Jones is in the capable hands of editor extraordinaire, Brady "Cat" White. I should have it up on Blogger, YouTube, and Face Book tomorrow.

Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White - 2nd Generation