I can sound exactly like Shaggy or Scooby Doo. This is a talent to be sure, a talent that has afforded me absolutely no benefits. Speaking of worthless talents, I can do lots of unusual things with quarters. Just thought I’d share…
To those that read Dual Dreams and John Hill, thank you.
I’M STILL STRUGGLING TO FIGURE OUT THIS BLOG BUSINESS. The idea of this blog is to promote my writing and establish some semblance of a network. Last week I posted a short story in three parts, hoping people might be willing to read it in smaller chunks. The site meter tells me 241 people hit my blog last week; however, just 15 people stayed long enough to actually read the story. It seems I’m attracting a lot of traffic, but not a whole lot of people who are interested in reading my short stories.
While I have somehow managed to attract hits, I need to figure out how to bring in readers who are interested in my style of writing. Better yet, I might benefit by attracting publishers or agents who are interested in my style. Oh well, I suppose I’ll keep hammering away.

My hit count has enigmatically increased significantly over the last month or so. I was under the impression that the key words “Swine Flu” and “Star Trek” were responsible for attracting hits, but the hit count remained high with “Dual Dreams and John Hill.”
Last week I received an email from a travel agency offering to place fifty bucks in my Pay Pal account to insert an advertisement on my blog. Fifty bucks! I could use an extra fifty bucks. An internet savvy friend rained on my parade, advising me not to accept the offer, that the ad could damage my computer. For a minute there, I thought I’d hit the big times, not to mention the fifty bucks...
yes dont accept those cheap ad offers... however you can hit tie ups with seo firms.. good business indeed..
what are seo firms???
You're better at blogging than I am; you've figured out how to reply to comments on your blog--I can't on mine.
Your writing is good, but I'm not sure that blogger is the best place to showcase fiction.
You might take a look at http://www.smashwords.com/, where you can post stories, and charge for them if you like.
Memoware.com is still a good place to upload fiction as well.
I think the blogosphere is the domain of those with short attention spans (these days, what isn't?) When I check Google analytics for my blog for the last year, the average time on the site is 2:03. So, it's probably not the best place to showcase fiction.
Yeah, my entry on deals at Grocery Outlet, just netted me some free coupons in the mail!
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